A quick tutorial on how to kill and farm guardians in Zelda. You can easily force them to respawn with a bloodmoon or moving location to farm guardians in another area. This will cause the guardians around hyrule to respawn.
Visit their website via my Referal Link for a chance to gain Alpha Access every week: HERE!
Well some of you requested an Indepth Analysis of the gameplay Trailer so here it is! First time doing an indepth one like this so hope you enjoy it or atleast find it mildly interesting.
Ashes of Creation Gameplay has arrived finally! This is pre-alpha content but the game is currently looking amazing. I will most likely follow this up with an indepth analysis! Stay tuned!!!!
Will Dark and Light 2017 be any good? Sure if you like ARK.
Another Ashes of creation news update! In this weeks update we talk about Discord, Google and more!
Dark and Light Gameplay finally! Not just a 20 second video but actually long, decently recorded gameplay videos! ITS ABOUT GOD DAMN TIME SNAIL! Thanks IGN for finally forcing some video content out of Snail. You guys are heros.
My first Ashes of Creation news update, the first of many to come hopefully. Im not currently sure how often I will produce these videos but most likely twice a month to keep you guys updated on the lastest Ashes news and information. Hope you find the information contained within useful!
Website is Live